The No Golf List

A running list of video game platforms on which I have found NO GOLF

A question very frequently asked by enthusiasts of retro tech and video games is "can you play Doom on it?" Or sometimes the variation, "can you play Tetris on it?" Well, as ubiquitous as both things are, in the grand scheme of video gaming across its entire existence, there is one thing that, statistically, could outdo them. In that respect, I would argue that you can play some kind of golf on more computer and video game platforms than you can play Doom or Tetris. As mathematically intense as the game of golf is, with the need to calculate parabolic angles and sometimes rolling in three dimensions, electronic doodads have been attempting to simulate golf since well before the invention of Tetris or Doom, giving it a head-start by several years. So ubiquitous digital golf is, as a result, that it is probably faster to list out the systems that you cannot play golf on, than it is to list the ones on which you can.

That said: the following is a list of console or computer platforms on which I have, as of this writing, found no golf games to exist.

Sub-List 1: The Almost-Golf List

A list of hardware platforms that had golf games in development but were never released

Sub-List 2: The "Oops, This Has Golf After All" List

A list of hardware platforms that I thought had no golf on them but have golf on them after all

Sub-List 3: The Section of Much Debate

A list of platforms for which I have heard some disagreements over whether they should be included in the No-Golf List at all