Neo Turf Masters

Specifically, the pocket edition

Let me not be the first to say that Neo Turf Masters (a.k.a. Big Tournament Golf) is one of the greatest golf games there is. The Neo Geo's second of two golf simulators released during its lifetime in the arcade market, Neo Turf Masters is - very, very technically - the third Major Title game, being as developer Nazca were made up of former Irem staff. Neo Turf Masters would go from being celebrated by the fighting game community as a niche tournament game, to being re-released for mobile phones, to being a part of Hamster Corporation's Arcade Archives series of retro reissues.


But this is not about that version of the game. Today, I'm talking about the Neo Geo Pocket Color port, and a particular eccentricity it has. Where the arcade and Neo Geo CD versions of NTM had a list of fairly normal-sounding names of golfers to populate its tournament scoreboard, the NGPC version features a list of 95 names cribbing from everything from other SNK games, to names of celebrities and even characters from anime. In this way, pocket Neo Turf is the ultimate golf crossover game, even if you never actually get to see the other golfers anywhere but the scoreboard, and also a snapshot into what was popular in 1999 when the game was released.

Player 1 starts to strike back. This is Nazca's Report.

I took it upon myself to extract the list of names from the ROM file with a hex editor, organize them into a spreadsheet, and give my best guess as to what they're all from. I don't know all of them, and some of them may as well be impossible to guess, short of tracking down a developer and asking them if they remember. But I gave them my best attempts, and left comments explaining my guesses. It stands to reason that if you feel like I'm wrong, get in touch; I'd like to know what you think some of these are.

NTM name

Real name

Weasel's comment

ACOSTA Alberto Federico 'Beto' Acosta Tabizzi? Famous soccer player; was playing for Sporting Clube de Portugal at the time
AGASI Andre Agassi? Famous tennis player
AKEBONO Tarou Akebono Famous sumo wrestler and yokozuna at the time
ANAQUIN A stretch, but is this meant to be "Anakin"? Star Wars Ep1 was new at the time...
ARNOLD Arnold Palmer Famous golfer
ASAMIYA Athena Asamiya Psycho Soldier
ASRA Asra/Asura Samurai Shodown (64 II)
BANDERAS Antonio Banderas? Actor
BOGARD Terry Bogard Fatal Fury
CAMERON James Cameron? Director (Titanic would have still been huge news when this game was new)
CHANG Chang Koehan King of Fighters (Korea team)
CHIN Chin Gentsai King of Fighters (Psycho Soldier team)
CHOI Choi Bounge King of Fighters (Korea team)
CLARK Clark Still Ikari Warriors
CRINTON Bill Clinton? President of the United States, when this game was released
DAIDOHJI Tomoyo Daidouji? From Cardcaptor Sakura (was still running at the time of this game's release)
DAIMON Goro Daimon King of Fighters (Japan team)
DION Dio/Neo Dio? Dion Dakis? World Heroes 2 (Boss), or noted distributor of Neo-Geo AES in the US
ERABU Maybe the "erabu sea snake"?
GALFORD Galford D. Weller Samurai Shodown
GARCIA Robert Garcia Art of Fighting
GERMI Fiolina "Fio" Germi Metal Slug
GOENITZ Goenitz King of Fighters ('96 boss)
HAWARD Geese Howard Fatal Fury (misspelled)
HEIDERN Heidern Ikari Warriors
HIGASHI Joe Higashi Fatal Fury
HOLIFELD Evander Holyfield Famous boxer
HONFU Hon Fu Fatal Fury
HOUSTON Could be damned near anything.
JACKAL Jackal Shock Troopers (another game by Saurus, devs of this NGPC port)
JIN Jin Chonshu, Jin Chonrei, or Jin Fuha Fatal Fury or Art of Fighting
KAGURA Chizuru Kagura King of Fighters (Sacred Treasures team)
KANE Billy Kane Fatal Fury
KENSOU Sie Kensou Psycho Soldier
KIM Kim Kaphwan Fatal Fury
KING King Art of Fighting
KINOMOTO Sakura Kinomoto? From Cardcaptor Sakura
KRAUSER Wolfgang Krauser Fatal Fury
KUSANAGI Kyo Kusanagi, or Saisyu Kusanagi King of Fighters (Japan team)
LEE Lee Pai Long Art of Fighting; could also be Lee Recca from The Last Blade
LUCUS George Lucas? Director (Star Wars Episode One hype was in full swing at this time)
MACGAIA Mark McGwire? Famous baseball player (bit of a stretch)
MARCHRIUS Marchrius Dennis "Marco" Rossi Metal Slug
MARU Maru Shock Troopers
MATSUI There are so many Matsuis; who knows what they meant
MATSUZAKA Daisuke Matsuzaka Famous baseball player (played for Seibu Lions at the time)
MAXIMA Maxima King of Fighters (New Hero team)
MORDEN General Donald Morden Metal Slug
MR BIG Mr. Big Art of Fighting
NAKATA Plenty of notable Nakatas; feel free to hazard a guess.
NAZARIO Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima Famous soccer player (played for Inter Milan at the time)
NIKAIDO Benimaru Nikaido King of Fighters (Japan team)
NOMURA Plenty of famous Nomuras too
OBUCHI Keizou Obuchi Japan's Prime Minister at the time of this game's release
PLAYER 1 You, the player These two strings appear at the end of the name list
PLAYER 2 You, the player
RAIDEN Raiden Fatal Fury
RALF Ralf Jones Ikari Warriors
REONALD Probably supposed to be "Leonard"?
ROKI Loki Shock Troopers
ROLAN Was the name of a kaiju in Ultraman Leo but I'm not certain that's the intent
RUGAL Rugal Bernstein King of Fighters (recurring boss)
RUINSKI Monica Lewinsky? Famous presidential aide. Yeah that's what I'm gonna say here =|
SAKAZAKI Ryo Sakazaki, or Yuri, or Takuma Art of Fighting - Frankly Takuma seems the most likely to be into golf
SEO Seo Yong Song? Buriki One
SHIKI Shiki Samurai Shodown
SHIRANUI Mai Shiranui Fatal Fury
SINCLAIR Sinclair Art of Fighting
SOKLOV Ivan Sokolov Buriki One
SORSA Sammy Sosa? Famous baseball player
SUHALT Suharto? Former president of Indonesia; the "fall of Suharto" was big news at the time
TAISAN Taizan Morozumi? Samurai Shodown
TAKAHASHI Third most common Japanese surname. Good luck.
TANGFU Tung Fu Rue Fatal Fury
TARMICLE Tarmicle "Tarma" Roving III Metal Slug
TENNDO Gai Tendo Buriki One
TOHDOH Ryuhaku Todoh, or Kasumi Art of Fighting
TOURSSIER Philippe Troussier Had just taken over coaching Japan's soccer team in 1998
TOY Toy Shock Troopers: 2nd Squad
WANG Wang Koh-San Art of Fighting
WYLER Tom Wyler Art of Fighting
YABUKI Shingo Yabuki King of Fighters (edit character)
YAGAMI Iori Yagami King of Fighters (Rivals team)
YASHIRO Yashiro Nanakase King of Fighters (New Faces team)
YUKAWA Akiko Yukawa? SNK employee (animator for KoF 98-2000)
ZAGGALO Mário Jorge Lobo Zagallo Famous soccer player and manager (was managing Portuguesa at the time)
ZIDANE Zinedine Zidane Famous soccer player (playing for the French national team at the time)
ZONEDIKE Jung Zorndike A remake of Blue Submarine No.6 (and OVA adaptation) were running at the time. Thanks, sega 🇵🇸 juice!