Updates & Acquisitions
September 23, 2024
Not an especially huge update here, I spent most of the time on this update moving the Friends of Golfshrine away from the nav bar and into its own page, to make room for more of them. But here's a few cheap things that entered my possession this week.

- Tiger Woods PGA Tour 13 featuring the Masters - Sadly, the case on this one is a bit smashed, and I'm going to need to replace it. But that's going to be difficult, because this is a case that has the hologram PGA sticker on it, and that's not easily replaced. Maybe if I cut it out really carefully and tack it down to a fresh case? Mostly I just don't feel like doing that yet. I found this at a garage sale, on a day where it seemed like everybody in town had a garage sale going.
- Links Pro CD Macintosh - The 1995 Mac OS port of Links 386 Pro, specifically the CD-ROM version, which means that yes, this does include Bobcat Goldthwait as an option. Ah, another opportunity to look at that iconic Big Bertha photo again, and this time, over a red background.
- Ultrapicchu - This 1.5-million hit point electric rodent is, I am assured, 100% legit and tournament legal. He came in the package with one of these eBay purchases.
- Virtual Reality Golf: Golden Fairway FX - The first time I've purchased a golf game for Golfshrine that I knew ahead of time would be completely unplayable, Golden Fairway FX is an online-only golf game from the era where "live online chat" was considered a selling point and not an active liability, and people still believed they could win cash and prizes from playing games online. The online servers for this game have been shut down for a very long time now, with no apparent efforts to bring them back. But golf is golf, and I'm keeping it as a historical footnote.
- All-American Sports Series: Golf - Golfshrine already had a copy of this, but it was part of the lot that included Golden Fairway FX. As a refresher, this was a rebranded re-release of Sierra's Front Page Sports: Golf, which had a handful of renames over the course of its lifetime. I've been watching out for copies of the other games in Sierra's series, under confusing titles like PGA Championship Golf. Anyway, FPS Golf is most notable to me for being my first golf game to have TrueSwing, a mouse-based swinging system that goes back-to-forward, unlike The Golf Pro's right-to-left. It also lets you make your golfer fall on his ass 🎥 by dragging your mouse too far to either side of the swing.
- And a cute little purple rubber capybara holding a cupcake. Got him from the same garage sale as the Tiger Woods; the guy just threw him in for free.
If you are planning to attend Portland Retro Gaming Expo this year, I have a handful of duplicates (All-American Sports, PGA Tour II, 3D Ultra Mini-Golf, and original Links CD) that could use loving homes. I'll gladly bring them with me to hand over. I'd take cash for them, but I know these things aren't especially valuable on their own, so, if you have anything particularly Weird that you want me to have, I'll take that as a trade instead.